About Teachers Registration
The Teacher Registration division is established under Part VI of the Education Act 2013. The main purpose of this division is to register all teachers who teach and will teach in all the Kiribati schools, also ensuring that teachers teaching in the schools meet the Kiribati National Teacher Service Standards.
Teacher registration also ensures that a minimum quality standard is applied to all teachers entering or currently teaching in Kiribati. Registration verifies you as a qualified teaching professional. For employment purposes, all graduates, overseas trained and currently working teachers, are required by law to be registered by the Teacher Registration Committee.
There are 4 permanent members of the Teacher Registration Committee who are senior officials of the Ministry of Education and 2 temporary members who are Heads of Divisions who are selected by the Chair to be members of the committee for 2 years, as well s a representative from Church Education Directors Association in Kiribati and Kiribati Union of Teachers. A Teacher Registrar has a secretariat role during all TRC meetings and is in-charge of implementing decisions made by the Committee.
Members of the Teacher Registration Committee (TRC) are appointed by the Minister. The main TRC functions are to assist in administering registration within the legal provisions; conferring and collaborating with employers and unions regarding registration and teacher standards requirements, as well as promotion of the teaching profession and keeping measures for regulating the profession under review.
Current Members of Teacher Registration Committee (TRC)
Secretary for Education (Chair of TRC)
Deputy Secretary
Director of Education
Director Policy, Planning, Development and Research Division
KTC Principal
Senior IT Specialist
Church Education Directors Association in Kiribati (CEDAK) Representative
Kiribati Union of Teachers Representative
Registration documents are now under review and once the review is completed, all teachers will be notified to apply for registration.