About Us
The Ministry of Education is considered as the biggest among the Government Ministries drawing a bigger share of the national budget and employing more than 1400 staff.
The Ministry Headquarter is located inside the KGV/EBS campus in Bikenibeu and houses the Administration, Account Division and HR Unit. The School Improvement Unit (SIU) - comprises of Early Childhood Care Education, Primary Education, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary and Scholarships is housed next to the Admin Block at the HQ.
The Planning Policy Divisions is also placed at the Headquarter and comprises of the following Divisions; Facilities Management Unit (FMU) and Technology Support and Information Management Unit (TSIMU).
The only Teachers Training Centre for the Country - KTC (Kiribati Teachers College) is located about 1 km east of the Headquarter, while the the Curriculum Development and Assessment Division CDAD) is placed about 1 km west of the HQ office.
The only other detached and distant Division of the Ministry is the Kiribati National Library and Archives (KNLA) located at Bairiki - National Capital.